
INNW Facebook Group

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Stay Tuned

I'm just getting this site together... Everything should be up soon. A trailer will also be released online in the next couple weeks. Don't touch that dial, folks


"[If not now] when will this film be released?" The answer is now! (Sorry, I had to do it)

I locked picture in late April 2009. I originally just wanted the film to be the image and the music, provided by Australian artist Tjupurru. I thought sound effects would diminish the surreal quality of the piece. But after screening that cut, I decided the film needed SFX to really emphasize the action and engage the audience. So my buddy James Rees took on the job of Sound Designer. He worked over summer, when he could. Now the sound design is finally finished... and let me tell you - it makes a phenomenal difference! James did an amazing job and now the film is ready to hit the festival circuit!

I am excited to release this film and see where it goes. I would like to thank the relatively large cast and crew, mainly comprised of former peers from CalArts, who worked very hard with me to make this piece so unique. This project was my thesis film and now that I have graduated, I am proud to send it out into the world.